
Traveling through Guinea is a challenge.

Due the bad condition of the roads i have spent only 10 days.

Kindia falls
Safety first

Let me give some introduction and traveltips about Guinea

Guinea, a captivating country in western Africa, remains a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Let me paint a vivid picture of this enchanting land:

  1. Natural Beauty: Guinea’s diverse landscapes will leave you spellbound. From the rolling mountain plateau of Fouta Djalon to the vast Sahelian plains and thick forests, nature thrives here. Overland adventurers relish the challenge of navigating rocky paths and washed-out trails.
  2. Untamed Wilderness: Imagine hiking past plunging waterfalls, proud hills, and charming villages. The air is thick with adventure as you track chimpanzees through lush rainforests.
  3. Charming Attractions:
    • Centre d’Art Acrobatique Keita Fodeba in Conakry: Witness scores of acrobats spinning and twirling—a mesmerizing experience.
    • Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés in the Parc National du Haut Niger: Guaranteed sightings of large mammals await.
    • Chutes de Kambadaga: These brilliant waterfalls, surrounded by natural beauty, make for an unforgettable day trip.
    • Centre d’Exposition Artisanal de N’zérékoré: Watch craftspeople create intricate art and handicrafts.
    • Jardins Auguste Chevalier: Explore these gardens, established by a French botanist, to discover flourishing European and Asian plants.